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The configuration object is passed to the chart after an instance of it has been inserted into the DOM. The config provides:

  • Time frame
  • Layout definition
  • Optionally
    • Datasets - price, indicators, drawings
    • Theme

Defining and Starting the Chart

import { Chart } from 'tradex-chart'

// After the chart has mounted on the DOM,
// Provide it with a configuration object

Minimal Config

Config describes the basics of the chart, size, ect. It requires the following minimum properties to be valid:

import * as talib from './node_modules/talib-web/lib/index.esm'

// minimal config
const config = {
  title: "BTC/USDT",
  talib: talib,
  // talib: `${window.location.origin}/talib.wasm`

title is required so you know what asset you are looking at.

talib is a pointer to the talib-web technical indicator library compiled as a WebAssembly module. TradeX-chart will take care of instantiating it.

Basic Config

height and width default to 100% of the parent element’s height and width if not defined in the config. height and width are the number of pixels. The chart has a minimal height 300 and width of 400 pixels.

rangeLimit defines the initial number of candles to display. It is treated as the “zoom” level of the timeline.

Config Object Options provides a complete overview of all settings.


State is a snapshot of the entirety of the chart data state, including chart price data, indicators, drawing tools, datasets and theme. Where properties of Config and state.settings overlap, Config properties take priority.

Chart states can be loaded (swapped) as desired. By default the chart can hold multiple states in memory.

The chart state can be exported to be reused later.


More information the chart data state are found in the state documentation .


Range determines the initial start and end timestamps for the price history (candles) that the chart displays.

Refer to Initial Range Config for more detail.


For API methods to manipulate chart themes refer to themes

Candle Types

export const CandleType = {
  CANDLE_SOLID: 'candle_solid',
  CANDLE_HOLLOW: 'candle_hollow',
  CANDLE_UP_HOLLOW: 'candle_up_hollow',
  CANDLE_DOWN_HOLLOW: 'candle_down_hollow',
  OHLC: 'ohlc',
  AREA: 'area',
  LINE: 'line'

Refer to Candle Type Theme for visual examples of each candle type.

Config Object Options

More detailed configuration options not included below:

const config = {
  id: "TradeX_test",
  title: "BTC/USDT",
  // width and height are pixel values.
  // if none are provided, the chart will responsively resize to the parent element that contains it
  width: 1000,
  height: 800,
  // utils bar config
  utils: {},
  // tools bar config
  tools: {},
  // timeframes: s, m, h, d, M, y
  timeFrame: "1m",
  // initial Range Config
  range: {
    // see documentation Range, Initial Range Config

  // chart theme - see Theme Properties for more detail
  theme: {
    candle: {
      // candle types: 'candle_hollow','candle_up_hollow','candle_down_hollow','ohlc','area','line'
      Type: "candle_solid",
      AreaLineColour: "#4c5fe7",
      AreaFillColour: ["#4c5fe780", "#4c5fe700"],
      UpBodyColour: "#00F04088",
      UpWickColour: "#0F4",
      DnBodyColour: "#F0004088",
      DnWickColour: "#F04",
    volume: {
      Height: 15,
      UpColour: "#00F04044",
      DnColour: "#F0004044",
    xAxis: {
      colourTick: "#6a6f80",
      colourLabel: "#6a6f80",
      colourCursor: "#2A2B3A",
      colourCursorBG: "#aac0f7",
      // fontFamily: XAxisStyle.FONTFAMILY,
      // fontSize: XAxisStyle.FONTSIZE,
      // fontWeight: XAxisStyle.FONTWEIGHT,
      // line: "#656565"
      slider: "#586ea6",
      handle: "#586ea688",
      tickMarker: false,
    yAxis: {
      colourTick: "#6a6f80",
      colourLabel: "#6a6f80",
      colourCursor: "#2A2B3A",
      colourCursorBG: "#aac0f7",
      // fontFamily: YAxisStyle.FONTFAMILY,
      // fontSize: YAxisStyle.FONTSIZE,
      // fontWeight: YAxisStyle.FONTWEIGHT,
      // line: "#656565"
      tickMarker: false,
    chart: {
      Background: "#141414",
      BorderColour: "#666",
      GridColour: "#333",
      TextColour: "#ccc"
    primaryPane: {

    secondaryPane: {

    tools: {
      // tool bar locations: "left", "right", false - defaults to left
      location: false
    utils: {
      // utils bar locations: false - defaults to true
      location: false
    time: {
      // timeline navigation: false - defaults to true
      navigation: false
    legend: {
      // legend controls: false - defaults to true
      // display icons, order, visible, remove, config
      controls: false
      // default text colour
      colour: "#96a9db",
  // used for chart data validation, timestamps compared against BTC genisis block
  isCrypto: true,
  // enable console.log output - WARNING! my impact performance
  logs: false,
  // enable output - WARNING! my impact performance
  infos: true,
  // enable console.warning output - WARNING! my impact performance
  warnings: true,
  // enable console.error output - WARNING! my impact performance
  errors: true,
  // enable live updates for a price stream
  stream: {},
  // maximum rate in milliseconds that a live stream should be REDRAWN, does not throttle actual stream rate
  maxCandleUpdate: 250,
  // pointer to talib-web library, required if you want to see indicators
  talib: talib,
  // file path (relative to server document root) for the talib-web .wasm file
  // required if you want to see indicators
  wasm: wasm,
  // initial data sate provided to the chart, price history, indicators, datasets
  // is optional - chart will start without one, and await data via the API
  state: {
    // Details of the state structure are found in [state](state)
  // user defined functions to run with or replace default methods
  callbacks: {
    indicatorSettings: {fn: (c)=>{ alert( }, own: true}