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Web Workers

TradeX provides an API for the implementation of Web Workers and promises to run sync heavy functions in a worker (process) and get the result in a promise.

Currently the API only makes provision for inline Web Workers, which means a function has to be passed to the WebWorker.create() static method, either as a defined function object or as text (JavaScript source code).

WebWorker.create() returns an instance.

Data can then be passed to the worker via worker.postMessage(). Workers accept data of the JavaScript types listed in the MDN documentation.

worker.postMessage() returns a promise which when resolved will contain the result from the Web Worker.

function doSomething(x) { 
  return `I did something. ${x}`

const test = WebWorker.create(doSomethingStr)
const result = await test.postMessage("bla")

// or 

.then(r => console.log(r))